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Palmyra Comprehensive Plan
In the fall of 2023, the Village and Town of Palmyra commenced the process to complete a joint Comprehensive Plan. This Comprehensive Plan is a document that will guide future decision-making on land use, capital investments, economic development, historic preservation, community building, and more in the Village and Town over the next 20 years. 

The prior Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2004, is almost 20 years old and the Village and the Town need a new plan that reflects the current conditions and needs of the community. The new Comprehensive Plan planning process will incorporate community input, with multiple opportunities for public engagement.


This webpage will be the center for all information relating to this planning process, including project updates, how you can get involved, and draft plan elements!

Project Updates: 
The Steering Committee has been working for over a year to develop the Village and Town of Palmyra Comprehensive Plan. The committee is happy to share the draft plan with the public and the Village and Town Boards. You can access the draft plan here. The Village and Town will hold a Public Hearing for the draft plan on January 23rd, 2025, at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm. If you have comments, reach out to Emma Falkenstein at


Public Engagement Updates:

Community Survey: The Comprehensive Plan Community Survey was open from 2/24/24-3/31/24. Check out the Community Survey Report to see the results. 


Public Workshop #1: Public Workshop #1 for the Comprehensive Plan took place on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 from 4:00 – 8:00 pm at the Palmyra Community Library. Check out the Public Workshop #1 Report to learn more about the event and review the results.


Public Workshop #2: Public Workshop #2 for the Comprehensive Plan took place on Monday, July 15th from 4:30-7:30 pm at the Palmyra Community Library. Check out the Public Workshop #2 Report to learn more about the event and review the community feedback.


Stay Informed

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about the planning process sign
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Contact Us:
Please contact Matt Horn at if you have any questions or feedback for the Palmyra Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. 

Meeting Notes:

Meeting notes from the steering committee meetings will be posted here.


Meeting 1 - 23 October 2023

Meeting 2 - 13 November 2023

Meeting 3 - 11 December 2023

Meeting 4 - 08 January 2024 

Meeting 5 - 12 February 2024

Public Workshop #1 – 06 March 2024

Meeting 6 – 15 April 2024

Meeting 7 - 03 June 2024

Public Workshop #2 - 15 July 2024

Meeting 8 - 12 August 2024

Meeting 9 - 07 October 2024

Draft Plan Presentation – 25 November 2024

Draft Comprehensive Plan – 10 December 2024


What is a comprehensive plan? 

Comprehensive planning is a community planning process that creates a framework and a guide that shapes a community’s physical, social, and economic development aspirations. Intended to be led by and created for the community, a comprehensive plan articulates a vision for the future, planning principles, priority policy areas, and action items to direct day-to-day and long-term decision-making for local leaders and the community of Palmyra.

Why do a joint Village and Town comprehensive plan?
While the Village and Town of Palmyra are distinct municipalities, they have a symbiotic relationship where one cannot thrive without the other. The Village of Palmyra is the residential and downtown hub for the community, while the Town’s agricultural landscape creates the small-town charm many residents cherish. A joint planning effort allows the Village and Town to harness synergies and take a holistic approach to planning for all of Palmyra. 

What are the benefits of a comprehensive plan? 

The process of creating a comprehensive plan has many benefits for the community. 


  • Social: The process of completing a comprehensive plan helps to build community cohesion by providing opportunities for the public to become engaged in shaping the future vision for the Village and Town, developing priority policy areas, and curating an implementation strategy. The Palmyra Comprehensive Plan is led by a steering committee composed of local stakeholders and will involve an extensive public engagement process to ensure a diverse representation of experiences and perspectives are present in the plan. 

  • Economic: A part of the planning process includes conducting a broad inventory of Palmyra’s existing demographic and economic conditions that will create the baseline for determining priority policy areas and action items. This inventory will review the fiscal conditions of the Village and the Town, and explore economic development strategies to promote revitalization and economic resilience. 

  • Physical: A key component of the Palmyra Comprehensive Plan will be to outline future land use recommendations and create a future land use map. These land use recommendations provide essential guidance for the Planning and Zoning Boards regarding the type and location of future development. The plan will also explore smart growth and other environmentally focused planning principles to support sustainable development in Palmyra.

  • Political:  A comprehensive plan is the foundational community planning document from which local leaders and Town and Village Boards make decisions. The vision, planning principles, and priority policy areas outlined in the plan create a  framework on which local leaders can base fiscal and policy decisions. Created from the community, the planning foundations of a comprehensive plan are intended to create a sense of continuity as municipal staff and political leadership change throughout the years. 

How can I get involved? 

The Village and Town of Palmyra are committed to a community-driven planning process. There will be multiple opportunities for the public to get involved including sharing your experiences living in Palmyra, shaping planning priorities and action items, and providing feedback on the draft plan. 


There will be multiple ways for you to shape the Palmyra Comprehensive Plan including: 

  • Public Workshops 

  • A Community Survey 

  • Pop-Up Engagement Events 


We will post information regarding public engagement opportunities on this website, on the Village and Town Facebook pages, and public news outlets. 

Thanks for subscribing!

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