4H Club Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County, 1581 Rt. 88, Newark. 315-331-8415.
American Legion James R Hickey Post 120, 128 Cuyler St., Palmyra. 315-597-2412.
American Legion Auxiliary, 128 Cuyler St., Palmyra. 315-597-2412. Kathleen York, President.
Boy Scout Troop 96, Palmyra Moose Lodge.
Canaltown Days 315-597-6700.
Drumlin Square Lodge 1180 of Free and Accepted Masons Rob Zanin, 585-766-1426
East Palmyra Cemetery Association Jeanne Garlock 317 -650-1937 or 315 -597-5213
Girl Scouts, Palmyra Chapter 223 Birdsall Parkway. 315-597-0117. Marie Fessler.
Historic Palmyra 132 Market St. 315-597-6981. Tracy Murphy, Executive Director.
Impact Theater Palmyra Town Hall 1180 Canandaigua Rd. Mailing address: 146 Cuyler St Palmyra. 315-597-3553. Frank Irace.
Order of the Eastern Star 315-597-4105.
Palmyra Community Center 240 Stafford St. 315-597-5501.
Palmyra Community Library 402 E Main St. 315-597-5276.
Palmyra Fire Auxiliary Inc. Auxiliary group assisting our firefighters as well as our community any way that we can. PO Box 154 Palmyra.
315-521-3278 or 315-573-5983. email. -
Palmyra Garden Club
Palmyra King's Daughters 315-597-5356. Lynne Green.
Palmyra Masonic Temple Association 161 E Main St, Palmyra. 315-597-4489.
Palmyra Moose Lodge Family Center 1420 3808 Route 31 East Palmyra. 315-597-6046.
Palmyra Nutrition Site for the Elderly 149 E Main St, Palmyra 315-597-4015.
Palmyra Republican Committee 315-597-5962
Palmyra Volunteer Firemen E Main St 315-597-4320 Jim Bruening.
Palmyra Women's Civic Club 113 E Jackson St 315-597-2302 Deb Klemann or Kristie Hansel.
Palmyra-Macedon Interact Club 315-597-3440
Palmyra-Macedon Kiwanis 384 Hook Rd. Farmington, NY 14425-7070. Tom Hristodoulou, President.
Palmyra-Macedon Lions Club PO Box 83, Palmyra. 315-597-6058. Bonnie Hays, President
Palmyra-Macedon Rotary Club 611 East Main St. Palmyra NY 14522 Maurina Schmidt, President.
PTO 116 Ellsworth Rd 315-597-2752 Doris Main.
PTSA Ron Smith.
Rebekah Lodge at the Moose Lodge 3800 NYS Rt 31 315-597-5328
SCOPE Shooters Committee on Political Education, Wayne County NY Chapter, PO Box 283, Palmyra NY 14522
Studio Z Performing Arts Conservatory, 2604 Elmwood Ave, Suite 127, Rochester, NY 14618,
585-451-1413, Judy Zanin -
VFW Post #6778 & Auxiliary NYS St Rt 31 315-597-5683
Wayne County Action Program Inc Head Start 120 E. Main St 315-597-0279.
Wayne County ARC House, Palmyra Residence 416 E Main St 315-597-3523.
Western Wayne Chamber of Commerce, Inc. PO Box 146, Macedon NY 14502. Vicky Nguyen, Secretary. Email
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